Sunday 31 May 2015



10 x Shoulder to Overhead (L1 & L2 40/30, L3 50/40)
20 x Double Unders

Rest 2 minutes


6 x Thrusters (L1 & L2 40/30, L3 50/40)
10 x Pull Ups (L3 Chest to Bar)

Levels test day and Inhouse throwdown/ awards dinner entry forms now available online in the members only Facebook group.

Thursday 28 May 2015


Partner WOD:

Total reps in 16 minutes of:

50 x Pull Ups (swapping every 5)
50 x Power Cleans @ 50% 1rm (swapping every 5)
50 x Burpee Box Jumps (swapping every 5)
50 x Push Jerk @ clean weight (swapping every 5)
200 x Double Unders (x2 single unders, swap each time reps are broken)

As many reps as possible in remaining time of:

Alternate Wall Walks or Alternate Bar or Ring Muscle Ups

Working with what we had at the old Box :)

Wednesday 27 May 2015


For Time:

Part A)

As far as possible 10 minutes:

Hang Squat Snatch (L1 optional hang power snatch + OHS) L1 30/20, L2 35/25, L3 40/30

Straight into

Part B)

5 minutes: 1RM Squat Snatch.

Record total reps from part A & weight for part B.

Tuesday 26 May 2015


For total reps:

4 rounds:

1 minute: Clean & Jerk (L1 40/30, L2 50/40, L3 Double KB 24/16kg)
1 minute: Wall Balls
1 minute: Push Ups (L3 Rings)
1 minute: Overhead alternate plate lunge (L1 10/5kg, L2 15/10kg L3 20/15kg)

rest 30 seconds between each set.

Monday 25 May 2015


For Time:

Run L1 400m, L2 & L3 800m
30 x Overhead Squats L1 (front squats) & L2 40/30, L3 50/35)
40 x Pull ups
50 x Ab Mat Situps
40 x SDHP
30 x Box Jumps L1 & L2 24/20", L3 26/24"

18 minute time cap.

Sunday 24 May 2015


Lower body push week:

10 minutes: Work to 1RM Back Squat

5 x 5 Back Squats @75% 1RM
rest 90 seconds between sets

For Time:
30 - 20 - 10
Air Squats
Toes To Bar
200m (L1 100m)

10 minute cutoff.

Thursday 21 May 2015


Partner WOD

"Aces & Eights"


Partner A completes 1 full round then rests whilst Partner B completes 1 full round of:

1 x Power Clean @ 75% 1RM
8 x Pull Ups
1 x 100m Sprint
8 x Lateral Bar Burpees
1 x Wall Walk
8 x Dead lifts

Score: Record total metres.

Wednesday 20 May 2015


1RM day:

Select two exercises from the following and complete a 1RM for each movement:

Back Squat
Bench Press
Strict Press
Weighted Chin up
Weighted Push up
Stott Press
Push Jerk

1RM Tips:

- Maximum of 7 or 8 lifts between starting weight and 1RM. 
- Rest at least 90 seconds between lifts.
- Do not sacrifice technique for kgs on the bar.

1RMs makes Scotty D smile :)

Tuesday 19 May 2015


10 minute skill session: Snatch Balance

6 rounds, every ninety seconds perform:

3 x Snatch Balance
3 x Behind the neck to overhead
Begin with a weight in which the reps can be completed with good technique and increase weight per round. 

Monday 18 May 2015


"For quality" with no running clock complete:

15 x bar or ring muscle ups (C2B Pull ups, pull ups or horizontal ring rows)
30 x HSPU (maintain strict HSPUs for as long as possible)
40 x Push Ups (Banded or strict, L3 rings)
5 x max L-sit (rings/plates/ boxes)

Levels test day coming up, fill out the entry form on the CFV Member Only Facebook group if you'd like to complete the test.

Sunday 17 May 2015


'De-load' Week.

10 Minutes - 1RM Front Squat


1st Minute: 5 x Front Squats at 75% 1RM
2nd Minute: 5 x Box Jumps (26/24")
3rd Minute: Double Unders/ Double Under attempts (L1 x 10, L2 x 20, L3 x 30)

Double Under Tips:
- Rotate rope with wrists, not arms.
- Keep elbows pinned to body.
- Stand tall.
- Jump off balls of feet, do not kick feet behind or in front of your body. 

Thursday 14 May 2015


Partner WOD

For Time:

50 x Ring Dips (Banded or box dips)
Swap every 5 reps
100 x Overhead Squats (L1 & L2 30/20, L3 40/30)
Swap every 10 reps
100 x Pull ups
Swap every 10 reps
100 x Front rack lunges
Swap every 10 reps (L1 & L2 30/20, L3 40/30)
50 x HSPU
Swap every 5 reps

Wednesday 13 May 2015


Buy in:
4 minutes to complete: L1 400m, L2 600m, L3 800m
rest remaining time then: 


6 x Deadlifts @ 50% 1RM
5 x Toes to Bar
4 x Burpees
Max Double Unders in remaining time

Record total double unders or single unders (3=1 rep)

Tuesday 12 May 2015


10 Minutes Clean & Jerk 1RM


Death by Clean & Jerk @75%1RM

1st minute - 1 x rep
2nd minute - 2 x reps
3rd minute - 3 x reps
etc until you cannot maintain required reps per minute. Record reps for last successful round.

Monday 11 May 2015


For Time:

150 x KB Swings (L3 Alternate KB snatches) 
(L1 16/12, L2 & L3 24/16)

OTMEM and at the start complete:

L1 - 5 x Air Squats
L2 - 7 x Air Squats
L3 - 10 x Jumps Squats

Sunday 10 May 2015



400m Run
30 x Shoulder To Overhead (L1 & L2 30/20, L3 45/30)
400m Run
30 x Front Squats
400m Run
30 x Wall Balls
400m Run
30 x Burpee Box Jumps

Record total reps only.

Thursday 7 May 2015


Partner WOD:


One person working at a time, in 60 seconds:

5 x Pull ups
Burpee Bar Touches (L1 x 4, L2 x 6, L3 x 8)
Max reps in remaining time - Hang Power Cleans (L1 40/30, L2 50/40, L3 60/50)

Partner A starts, and completes required reps in 60 seconds, then rests for 60 seconds whilst partner B works, swapping every minute.
Each time you start a new round, begin with the 5 pull-ups.
Record total combined reps for power cleans only.

Wednesday 6 May 2015


5RM Squat Clean

5 x 5 Touch n go squat cleans @5RM
rest 90 seconds between sets


8 x Box Jumps (24/20')
8 x Toes to Bar

Tuesday 5 May 2015


For Time:


30 x Double Unders
20 x SDHP (L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30)
400m (L2 200m)

Monday 4 May 2015


For time:
5 x rounds Cindy
20 x Deadlifts @ 50%1rm
4 x rounds Cindy
15 x Deadlifts
3 x rounds Cindy
10 x Deadlifts
2 x rounds Cindy
5 x Deadlifts

1 x round of Cindy = 5 x pull-ups, 10 x push-ups, 15 x Squats

18 minute cutoff.

Sunday 3 May 2015


Buy in:

400m Run (L1 200m)
40 x Squats
30 x Ab mat situps
20 x Push Ups
10 x Strict pull ups

Rest 2 minutes


10 x Hang Power Snatches (L1 30/20, L2 40/30, L3 50/40)
10 x Burpees
10 x KB Swings (L1 20/12, L2 24/16, L3 32/24)

Record reps for AMRAP.