Tuesday 30 December 2014


9:30am Only.


2 x Clean & Jerks @ 75% 1RM
10 x Push Ups
10 x Pull ups/ Ring Rows
6 x Dead Lifts @ C&J Weight
200m Run
60 seconds max - Double Unders
30 seconds max - Burpees

L1 - 4 RFT, L2 - 5 RFT, L3 6RFT.

Record time/ total double unders/ total burpees.

Monday 29 December 2014


For Time:

50 x KB Swings (L1 16/12, L2 & L3 24/16)
40 x Wall Balls
30 x Toes to Bar

OTMEM Stop and complete:

L1: 3 x Burpees
L2: 3 x Burpee Box Jump
L3: 3 x Burpee Pull Ups

Sunday 28 December 2014



10 x Dead Lifts @ 60% 1RM
9 x Pull Ups (L3 C2B)
8 x Box Jumps (24/20)
Run (L1 & L2 200m, L3 400m)

Monday 22 December 2014


Partner or Solo WOD - The 12 Days of Christmas:

For time:

1 x Muscle Up (1 x strict pullup, 1 x Ring Dip)
2 x Power Cleans & Jerk @ 75% 1RM
3 x HSPU
4 x Burpee Box Jumps
5 x Push Ups
6 x Toes to Bar
7 x Deadlifts @ C & J weight.
8 x Pull Ups (Jump Chins)
9 x Air Squats
10 x Double Unders
11 x  KB Swings (16/12, 24/16, 32/24)
12 x Wall Walks

30 Minute Cut Off.

Complete 1 x muscle up, then 1 x muscle up + 2 x clean & jerks, then 1 x muscle up + 2 clean & jerks + 3 x HSPU etc. until you complete 12 x rounds, finishing with all 12 movements in your final round.

If completed as a partner WOD, break up reps as you like. 1 x person working at a time.

Sunday 21 December 2014


For Time (18 minute cut off)

5 x Rounds Of Cindy
4 x rounds of Cindy
3 x Rounds of Cindy
2 x rounds of Cindy


5 x Pull ups (L1 Jump Chins)
10 x Push Ups
15 x Squats

Thursday 18 December 2014


Partner WOD:

AMRepsAP 24 Minutes:

30 x Thrusters (L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30) 15 x each
30 x Pull ups 15 x each
20 x Thrusters (L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30) 10 x each
20 x Pull ups 10 x each
10 x Thrusters (L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30) 5 x each
10 x Pull ups 5 x each

30 x Hang Power Snatches (L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30) 15 x each
30 x T2B 15 x each
20 x Hang Power Snatches (L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30) 10 x each
20 x T2B 10 x each
10 x Hang Power Snatches (L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30) 5 x each
10 x T2B 5 x each

100 x Double Unders 50 x each
40 x Wall Balls 20 x each
60 x Double Unders 30 x each
30 x Wall Balls 15 x each
40 x Double Unders 20 x each
20 x Wall Balls 10 x each

One person working at a time. Record total reps completed by team. If all reps are completed within the 24 minutes, start again.

Wednesday 17 December 2014



1st Minute: 3 x Squat Clean Thrusters (30/20, 45/35, 60/45)
2nd Minute: 3 x Bar or Ring Muscle Ups (Strict pullups/ ring dips)
3rd Minute: 5 x HSPU (L3 Deficit)
4th Minute: 10 x Alternate KB Snatches (16/12, 24/16, 32/24) 

Tuesday 16 December 2014


2-2-2-2-2 Squat Snatch


10 x Power Snatch (L1 30/20, L2 40/30, L3 60/45)
12 x Box Jumps
L1 200m, L2 & L3 400m

Monday 15 December 2014


Buy In: L1 400m, L2 & L3 800m


Deadlifts @ 60% 1RM
Pull Ups (L3 Chest to Bar)

Cash Out: Double Unders (L1 100, L2 150, L3 200)

Sunday 14 December 2014


10 Minutes work to 3RM Touch and Go Power Cleans.


8 x Toes to Bar
7 x Strict Burpees
6 x Power Cleans (L1 40/30, L2 50/40, L3 70/50)

Thursday 11 December 2014


Partner WOD


10 x Box Jumps
10 x Push press (L1 30/40, L2 & L3 50/40)
10 x T2B
10 x KB Swings (L1 16/12, L2 & L3 24/16)

Partner A completes full round while partner B completes 1 x 100m sprint then rests. 
Swap after each full round.

Wednesday 10 December 2014


10 Minutes: 2RM Thruster


100m Sprint
10 x Pull ups
10 x Thrusters (L1 30/20, L2 & L3 40/30)

Tuesday 9 December 2014



1st minute - 5 x HSPU (L1 Box, L2 Abmats, L3 Abmat w/- 10kg plates)
2nd minute - Strict Burpees (L1 x 6, L2 x 8, L3 x 10)
3rd minute - 10 x Box Jumps/ Step ups (26/24")
4th minute - 40 x Double Unders 

Monday 8 December 2014


Death by Squat Clean & Jerk

1st Minute - 1 x Squat Clean & Jerk (L1 35/25, L2 40/30, L3 60/40)
2nd Minute - 2 reps
3rd Minute - 3 reps etc.
Continue until you are unable to complete the required reps in that minute. Record the amount of reps in the minute you completed successfully.

Sunday 7 December 2014


10 minutes: 3RM Strict Press



Push Ups
Knees to Elbows
Push Press (L1 35/25, L2 40/30, L3 50/40)

record total reps.

Thursday 4 December 2014


In 4 teams complete the following single file:


Row 500m
20 x Power Cleans (30/20, 50/40, 60/50)
30 x Box Jumps 20"
40 x KB Swings (16/12, L2 & L3 24/16)
30 x Burpee Bar touches
20 x Pull ups.

Team members cannot begin next movement until person in front completes all reps of that exercise.

Wednesday 3 December 2014



Wall Balls
Dead lifts @ 50% 1RM
Ab Mat Situps

Tuesday 2 December 2014


10 minutes: 1RM OH Squat

For time:

30 x Back Squats (L1 40/30, L2 50/40, L3 60/50)
20 x Pullups
25 x Front Squats (-10kg off the bar)
20 x Toes to Bar
20 x Over head Squats (-10kg off the bar)
20 x Burpee bar touches

Monday 1 December 2014


3 Rounds For max reps:

800m (L1 & L2 400m)
60 seconds Max weighted step ups (15/10kg L3 Overhead)
50 x Double Unders

Record total step ups